Is Summer Depression Real? Seasonal Affects on Mental Health You Need to Know Now

Seasonal depression isn’t a mental health concern just for the colder months, folks. This author has first-hand experience with this as she grew up in a rainy region where there were about a week of sunny days a year. When she moved, the constant sun was upsetting, even a bit depressing at times. A rainy or cloudy day was a reason for celebration. Humans can adapt to just about anything.

Don’t worry, though; we’ll talk about how summer can affect your mood and offer some tips and tricks on how to mitigate any seasonal effects. If you need someone to speak to or your mental health is really affected by seasonal changes, do not hesitate to call or text 988.

Summer SAD

According to WebMD, summer seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is real. SAD impacts about 4–6% of the population, and roughly 10% of that already small population is triggered by the summer season.

It’s not totally clear why, but there are some hypotheses as to why. Some summertime blues can be attributed to SAD, but not all mental health troubles rise to the level of seasonal affective disorder.

Other reasons that people may feel their mental health struggle in the summer are because of things like excessive heat (especially without AC), increased pressure for your body to look a certain way in your swimsuit, financial concerns (especially if you’re a parent with a kid out of school), a general disruption in your typical schedule, and, let’s be honest, serious FOMO.

We all remember the good old days as kids when summer meant a three-month vacation. A day in the office on a beautiful sunny day can have you feeling crummy in no time flat. Especially when that one friend posts photos of their perfect beach body in the Bahamas.

A Few Mental Health Tips and Tricks 

  • Try to stay hydrated and cool. Drink lots of water! You can find some great tips to keep your home cooler during the summer here. That can help you get your much-needed Z’s , too! Healthy sleep habits are crucial for your mental health.
  • Stay connected with your friends or other members of your support group, even if it’s not for a day on the beach. Hate the Fourth of July? Skip it this year. People who love you will understand.
  • If you exercise regularly, it might be ideal to find an indoor substitute to stay active but not bake in the heat. On the other hand, don’t exercise excessively to try to meet unattainable beauty standards. Every body is a beach body if it’s on a beach.
  • Does summer fashion stress you out? Kimberly in Fashion at Total Apex Entertainment helps simplify summertime looks for you, here.
  • Set a schedule that works for you. School schedules change, but you can keep the planner going all year round.
  • Use lots of self-grace! And that counts for all the other months of the year, too. Life is hard, and we’re all doing the best we can.

Darker Days Are Coming

Don’t forget that right around the corner, darker days are coming. Before you know it, school will be in session, the rain and cold will come, and daylight saving time will plunge us into darkness at 4 PM.

That sounds ironic, but for this author and many other people, the sign of fall and winter coming is relieving. After all, what’s better than warm sweaters and boots with a PSL in one hand and a puppuccino for your weird, dairy-loving cat?

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