A DIY Ant Repellant That Only Has 2 Ingredients

ant repellant

Ants are a common household nuisance, especially during warmer months. While chemical ant repellants may seem like an easy fix, they often contain toxic ingredients that pose risks to both your family and the environment. These products can leave harmful residues in your living spaces and can even affect pets and children. The good news is that you don’t need harsh chemicals to get rid of ants. A DIY ant repellant can be made with just two simple ingredients.

The Ingredients You’ll Need

To create this simple ant repellant, you only need two ingredients. Seems too good to be true, but trust us, it works. All you need is Borax and sugar. Borax is a natural mineral and a key active agent. It’s an effective ingredient in ant repellant because it disrupts ants’ digestive systems. Sugar, on the other hand, is the bait. Its sweetness attracts ants, drawing them to the mixture for consumption, where they unknowingly consume the Borax as well.

It’s important to note that ants don’t just die on the spot when consuming this DIY repellant. Instead, the ants carry the mixture back to their colony to share it. This creates a chain reaction that affects the entire colony, making it more effective than surface sprays. Surface sprays are not ideal because they only kill the ants you see on contact. They don’t reach the root of the infestation. This combination is safe for indoor use in small, controlled amounts.

How to Make the DIY Ant Repellant

To make a DIY ant repellant, combine three parts sugar and one part Borax. This ratio ensures that there’s enough sugar and enough Borax to be effective against the ants. Once combined, add just enough water to create a syrupy consistency. This is important because it makes the mixture easier for the ants to consume. For different ant types, you can tweak this recipe. To avoid a mess, place the mixture on small, disposable plates or soak it into cotton balls.

Ant Repellant Application and Placement Tips

To get the maximum effect, you’ll want to place the mixture where the ants are most active. For example, if you’re finding ant trails in your kitchen or an entry point near your backdoor, this is where you want to place the repellant. For the best results, observe ant activity every day and adjust the location if needed.

Ants will sometimes change their paths depending on what they find in your home. If you have children or pets, consider using alternative, pet-safe solutions like vinegar or essential oils, or place the Borax mixture in areas they cannot access. It’s so important to handle Borax safely. While it’s considered a natural substance, it can still irritate the skin, nose, eyes, and even the gastrointestinal tract if accidentally consumed. Just be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after preparing or handling this repellant.

Monitoring and Results

It’s important to note, that after placing the ant repellant, you may notice an increase in ant activity. Don’t panic, this is normal. Ants are attracted to the sugar and transport the mixture back to their colony. In doing so, they’re also notifying other ants of the mixture’s location.

Within a few days to a week, you should start seeing a decline in the ant population as the ant repellant spreads through the colony. Patience is key—this method targets the root of the problem, but it takes time for the entire colony to be affected. Other natural repellants, like vinegar, essential oils, and diatomaceous earth, are decent deterrents for ants but there’s a significant difference between these options and this DIY repellant. While vinegar disrupts ant trails and essential oils mask pheromone signals, they don’t eliminate ants and the colony. This makes the borax-sugar mixture the superior choice.

Wrapping Up

Using this simple two-ingredient DIY ant repellant not only offers an effective way to tackle ant infestations but also promotes a safer home environment. With just Borax and sugar, you can control ants without harsh chemicals. Give it a try—you’ll appreciate the peace of mind that comes with natural pest control.

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