Rewilding: Restoring Nature Can Save Climate Change

Restoring Nature

Climate change is one of the most pressing concerns facing humans and the planet; it threatens everyone. To protect the planet and themselves, people must do everything humanly possible to work on restoring nature to its former glory and prevent the further environmental deterioration of the planet.

Nature restoration focuses on preserving the best of what nature still has to offer and is essential for the future existence of all inhabitants of Earth. Let’s delve into why rewilding and restoring nature are both so important.

Why Nature Has To Be Preserved And Restored

Every person must understand that it’s humans’ responsibility as a whole to prevent irreversible harm to the climate that sustains everyone’s livelihood. To reduce and even reverse the harm their actions cause, humans need to cut their greenhouse gas emissions drastically and remove excess carbon from the atmosphere.

The Benefits of Rewilding

When it comes down to it, rewilding efforts to restore nature can play a major part in preventing climate change throughout the planet. The idea of restoring nature to save our climate is familiar to many individuals, but what does “rewilding” mean in this context? As Rewilding Earth states, “the shorthand definition of rewilding is the 3Cs–conservation of Cores, Corridors, and Carnivores.” Now that the term “rewilding” has a clearer lens, it is easy to see that restoring nature is key to fighting climate change.

Rewilding is an intricate part of understanding what it truly means to restore nature and fight climate change. Restoring nature to its former beauty should be at the forefront of people’s minds because it is key to everyone’s longevity. To break it down further, the term “rewilding” is a more comprehensive conservation effort that talks extensively about restoring sustainable biodiversity and ecosystems. To dive deeper into “rewilding”, according to, “Rewilding aims to restore ecosystems and reverse biodiversity declines by allowing wildlife and natural processes to reclaim areas no longer under human management”.

The 3Cs-Cores, Corridors, and Carnivores

When discussing climate change and restoring nature to a more sustainable way of life, the 3Cs are key to explaining how everything is linked together. Rewilding is impacting conservation science and policy across the globe, which in turn is bringing new hope and renewed purpose of efforts to revive essential ecological processes. According to Keystone PHDStudies, “Cores refers to protected expansive habitat areas; corridors refer to the connections which allow migration and other necessary forms of movement; and carnivores refers to the large ‘keystone’ species responsible for regulating the ecosystem”.

Humans may have been around for a long time, but large and small species that humans share the world with have existed longer. A real-world explanation of the 3Cs is given on HowToRewild. It refers to the classic example at Yellowstone National Park when wolves were wiped out due to overhunting in the early 20th century. This led to the park becoming dominated by elk (a big deer), which ate all the trees. To resolve this problem, during the ’90s, a reintroduction programme realized that wolves scared elk away from scrub and rivers.

In turn, this eventually led to a surge in the growth of trees in the area, which was important in the re-growing of the trees along the river banks, which aided the return of the locally extinct beavers. As previously discussed, everything is linked together.

Wrapping Up

When it comes down to it, we all share this planet, and nature restoration is something everyone should support. Restoring nature is and should be a priority for every human. It is imperative that when it comes to restoring nature to its former glory, the global climate needs to be revamped to secure the longevity of everything that has to do with nature.

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