Susan Lorincz Sentenced for The Murder of a Mother of Four

Killer Clown

Susan Lorincz was found guilty of the murder of her neighbor Ajike “AJ” Owens after shooting her through a locked front door on June 2, 2023, in Ocala, Florida. Lorincz was convicted of first-degree felony manslaughter with a firearm in August of 2024 and faced up to 30 years in prison. She was sentenced on November 25, 2024, for her heinous crime. Owens’ family is relieved they can move forward with the healing process. Although the fatal shooting should have never occurred, justice has finally been served.

susan lorincz
 Credit: Sean Krajacic/Kenosha News/Pool via USA TODAY NETWORK

The Unjust Shooting

On June 2, 2023, Ajike “AJ” Owens’ children were playing outside in their neighborhood when Susan Lorincz complained about their noise level. This was not the first time Lorincz complained or called the police on Owens’ children. A dispute between the two adults followed, and Owens confronted Lorincz at her front door. She banged aggressively on the door, asking Lorincz to come outside and speak to her like an adult. However, that did not happen. Instead, Susan Lorincz chose to grab a gun from her bedroom and shoot Ajike “AJ” Owens through a locked door. When the police arrived at the scene, they found Owens unarmed and dead.

Trial and Sentencing

When she was arrested on June 6, 2023, Susan Lorincz pleaded not guilty to the charges against her. A jury of her peers found her guilty, and she was taken into custody at the Marion County jail without bond to await her sentencing hearing. Her defense team attempted to paint her as the victim in the situation and that she was in fear for her life. However, the prosecution argued that there was no reason for her to fear since the police were already on their way and the door between Lorincz and Owens was locked. Susan Lorincz had no regard for life that day and could have killed anyone when she blindly fired through the door. 

Susan Lorincz’s legal team also brought in several family and friends to testify on her behalf. They highlighted her dedication to her relationships and her Christian faith. While there is no doubt they believe Lorincz to be a good person, she made a horrible, irreversible mistake and deserves whatever time she serves. The defense also tried to use her PTSD diagnosis as an excuse for her actions; however, the prosecution did not see how that would be a driving force for the incident that occurred. Lorincz might benefit from PTSD treatment, but she can receive that behind bars while she serves her time in prison for the murder of Owens.

Final Thoughts

Judge Robert Hodges said, “I find that the shooting was completely unnecessary.” He continued, “In this case, Ms. Lorincz was behind the door. The door was locked. She had already called law enforcement. They were en route. She knew they were en route. She was in a relatively safe position. For some reason, she went into her room and found a gun.“ The judge is right in the sense that Lorincz had no reason to fear for her life, and the shooting of Owens is completely unjust. With that, the judge sentenced Lorincz to 25 years in prison. 

Ajike “AJ” Owens’ family announced they would hold a press conference following Susan Lorincz’s sentencing. The conference was scheduled for November 27, 2024, at 10 a.m. The press release addressed, “This case has highlighted the racial disparities often perpetuated by such laws and has become a critical moment in the call for systemic reform.” The family and their representatives wanted to share the next steps they would take in their advocacy for reform. 

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